Adopting Dallas

Mr. Right and I have been open about our intentions to adopt a baby at some point. Because of this, I’m fascinated by learning about other peoples’ adoption stories and love to cheer them on, whether in person or online. Adoption is such a beautiful thing and such a perfect picture of what God did for us – adopted us as sons and daughters and heirs.

I came across Bethany’s story on Facebook. A friend from high school shared a pic of the shirts they were selling to raise money to help pay for the adoption (which will cost them $30,000), and I totally dug the shirts. Like, I bought one just because it was so cool. And then I checked out Bethany’s blog and had a eureka moment. I want to be part of their story. I want to help them provide a home for Baby Dallas!

So here’s the Cliffs Notes version. You can read more about it on their blog, Life is Good. PS – They found out THIS WEEK that they’ve been matched with a birth mother and MAY have a baby in March! Which means we’ve got to get crackin’!


Chris and I have been married for 7 ½ years and we have had our first baby’s name picked out for over 9 years. Boy or girl, the baby will be named Dallas.

Chris and I have always wanted to be adoptive parents whether we conceived or not, and due to different fertility issues that I face, we decided to start the adoption process in October of 2013. The adoption process is not an easy road, and it requires a lot of resources, so we are asking for your help!

Our adoption is going to cost about $30.000, and as of now we have about $10,000 left to raise.  Here is how some of that is divided up:

Orientation fee
Home study fee
Agency application and program fee
Attorney fees
Document preparation and authentication
Traveling expenses
And much more

We’ve never felt an overwhelming peace like this about any decision before. We know that God’s got a awesome plan for us! We believe God already has our baby picked out; we just haven’t met him or her yet!

We would GREATLY appreciate your prayers and support!

Dallas shirtsSo, dear friends, this is where you come in. They are selling AWESOME t-shirts for just $20 over here. I’ve already bought one, and I’m going to buy another to give away to one of my readers. All you have to do is leave a comment with your name, t-shirt size, and an encouraging word for Bethany as she and her husband travel on this (long) journey toward adoption.

And even better… you can be part of their story by simply buying a shirt. How cool, to help a couple become a family, to give a baby boy or girl a forever home, simply by making a quick purchase. You can help change a family’s legacy for generations to come.

The deadline to buy a shirt is Feb. 9. The deadline to enter my contest is Monday, Feb. 2 at 6:00 p.m. Central. Let’s bless this family!


il_570xN.665559259_8u9tFor prints and other lovelies, visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

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