Today was a good day… except for the part where I almost went to prison.
Okay, maybe not prison. But I almost committed a class-B misdemeanor. Okay, maybe 30-40 counts of a class-B misdemeanor. But I did it with very good intentions.
I was trying to save the world and be a good American. Some patients at the hospital where I work had asked if they could vote on election day from the hospital. Being the patient-focused, pro-democracy girl scout that I am, I called my county elections office and got the scoop on how I could help these nice patients vote.
Long story short, they told me that I would have to personally handle the whole process for ALL of our patients. Luckily I found out before it was too late that this is against the law–an individual can only assist ONE person with their voting from the hospital (which makes sense, because a bad, anti-American girl scout hater could hypothetically stuff the ballot box this way). If you assist multiple people, it’s a misdemeanor. I was going to do that 30-40 times. Oops.
Thankfully I realized my mistake and didn’t break the law. I won’t be going to jail. Which is a good thing, because I’ve got a lot going on right now and am not sure where I would fit that “time” in.
In other political news, I have a big work event Saturday night, and my State Representative will be sitting at my table as one of my guests. It will be a lot of fun if he happens to be reelected tomorrow. If not, it could be awkward.