Perfect Sunday

Today was just perfect. It was one of those lazy Sundays that involved the little things that I enjoy so much. Nothing exceptional, but simple and comfortable and happy.

After church, I grabbed some Mexican food with friends, then came home for a nap. Then I took the Wonder Schnoodle on a walk around my neighborhood, enjoying the sunshine that has seemed so elusive all week. I love roaming my neighborhood, checking out the new houses and analyzing everybody’s landscaping decisions (I have so much to learn, so I love to see what everybody else is doing). The fun thing about my neighborhood is that they’re constantly building new houses, so the view changes weekly. Every once in awhile I’ll sneak into a new house to see what features they have and compare them to what I did in my house. Sometimes Harley goes with me… if these homeowners only knew that the Wonder Schnoodle has walked all over their home, they might not be very happy with me. Oh well. Sometimes you have to be a rebel.

After the walk, I did a few chores in my yard, chatted with my neighbor Roy and then came in to catch up on homework. It didn’t take very long, so now I have the whole evening to do whatever I want. It’s the perfect way to start out my week.

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