Peace, love, and a contest winner


Praise the Lord for a God who loves us with an unshakable love, whose peace can never be taken away, who shows compassion on me. His mercies are new every morning, aren’t they?

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest for the Adopting Dallas t-shirt. So much has happened since I wrote that post – they are suddenly six weeks away from having a baby boy! Can you believe it?! Not only that but they raised about $5,000 in just one week, and you, dear friends, were a part of it.

There’s still time to order a shirt, but the deadline is February 9.

And now for the winner of the free shirt! Congrats to Diana, who’s a new mom herself. Watch your mailbox for a special delivery!


il_570xN.665559259_8u9tFor prints and other lovelies, visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

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On Instagram: texas_lovely

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