Our little cabin in the woods

I have a deep love for sipping coffee while sitting on a rocking chair on a covered porch. It’s one of my greatest loves. And last weekend, I got to do just that for two whole days. Let me tell you, it was glorious.

A very generous couple from our church let us stay at their little cabin in the woods, a mini-ranch in Graham, Texas, about two hours from home. This little house had no neighbors, no cell phone signal, and no paved road. It was nestled amongst wild trees and fish ponds, far from street lights and road noise. And responsibility.
It was just what Mr. Right and I needed… I’ve been sick for most of our first two months of marriage, so I haven’t had the energy to be as adventurous as I typically like to be. But praise Jesus, last weekend I was healthy and energetic and we thoroughly enjoyed our mini adventure.
What we did:
Slept in
Sat on the porch in our PJs and drank coffee
Hiked the ranch, which was gorgeous
Fed the fish
Took a 3-hour nap (such a luxury)
Will went on a 7-mile run, while I sat on the front porch and hand-quilted my newest project (he’s training for a triathlon, so no days off for him!)
Ate like kings
Watched a John Wayne western
Had a really sweet time of prayer together
Admired sunsets
Laid in a hammock and gazed at the stars
Talked a lot about our first two months of marriage and dreamed about the future
What we did not do:
Check email
Talk to anybody
See anybody
Do anything responsible
It was such a special weekend, one that I will forever cherish. We are so grateful to the special couple who let us borrow it.
What a blessing.

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