Off again

It’s official. I have planned my next trip to Europe. My goal of jetting across the Atlantic every other summer continues!

June 2005: My parents and I met my aunt Janis & uncle Jonathan (who live in Oxford) in England, and did Oxford, London, Stratford, and Paris.

June 2007: My entire family went on a 2-week tour of Italy (Florence, Venice, Rome, Pisa), Monaco, and France (Nice, Cannes, Paris).

May/June 2009: A friend and I are taking a cruise to Italy (Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples), Croatia, Greece (3 stops, don’t remember which ones yet) and Barcelona Spain.

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness! I can’t wait! My next 10 months are going to be spent reading about Greece and Spain, watching movies that take place in Greece and Spain, and dreaming about good-looking guys from Greece and Spain.

I try to live my life as if it were an adventure. And this certainly makes it more interesting!

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