New spring prints and a sale

It’s spring, and a new season filled with so many new possibilities. To me, spring is clean and fresh and warm. It means denim jackets over long maxi dresses and bare toes. It means snow cones and open windows with curtains blowing in the breeze. It means the smell of freshly cut grass and the start of a new garden. It means twinkle lights on my back porch as I take a moment to rest.

And it means it’s time for some new prints. I decided to capture two of my favorite verses, because these prints are as much for me as they are for others. I was feeling whimsical and light, and I hope it comes across in these prints. And I hope they can be a reminder to me to be still and know that He is God… that He is in control. And to do things wrapped in love – whether it’s the way I speak to my husband or teach my ESL class or interact with friends. May others see love in the way I treat them.

be still

Print available here

be done in love2

Print available here

Also – it’s time to clear out some of my older prints, so I have discounted them 33%. You can check all of them out here.

Now excuse me while I go grab a bowl of ice cream, which is also an important spring activity.

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