My highly retouched movie star photo

A few months ago I had to have my picture taken for one of the boards I sit on. They needed our photos for the directory or website or something, and even though I already have a professional headshot for work, I was forced against my will to get my picture made yet again.

The day we were scheduled to take this photo, I got a huge zit on my chin. And somehow I popped a blood vessel in my eye (yes, that was lovely). I was having a bad hair day. I felt pale. And really, really not cute.

So I jokingly asked the photographer to “retouch” my photo. I encouraged him to go crazy with Photoshop and do whatever it takes to make me look presentable. Well by-golly, Photoshop is a wonderful thing! Because after he was finished, I ended up with flawless skin (where’d those freckles go?), perfectly white teeth, perfectly clear eyes, and not a single hair out of place. Even my shirt has been whitened.

So now I know how those celebrities must feel after those big magazine covershoots. There’s no way they could possibly look as flawless in real life as they look on the covers of those magazines. As someone who dabbles in design, I know how to tinker with a photo to “enhance” it. But this one of me just made me laugh.

And trust me, I’m going to use this photo forever.

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