Like a well-watered garden

God is incredibly sweet sometimes. Well, really all the time. But sometimes my eyes are more open to notice it. Lately it’s been one of those times.

I’m a words of encouragement person. It’s what I crave more than money, or prestige, or just about anything else. I need to be liked and I like to be praised. And there’s one key area in my life where this has been hugely lacking this past year. It has been a struggle that no matter what I seem to do, I can’t do enough to earn a pat on the back. It has left me feeling insecure and disheartened.

Mr. Right and both of my families have so kindly joined me in praying over that situation, that God would move and create a peaceful and encouraging atmosphere. And while God’s made some small steps in that situation, it’s funny… because while I’ve been obsessing over just a few people who are discouraging, I have gotten encouragement from the most unexpected of places. Random people that I didn’t even know a year ago have given me some of the most meaningful encouragement at times when I just didn’t see it coming. Even yesterday, I got an unexpected note in my mailbox that absolutely brightened my day. While I was so focused on something I couldn’t control, God has been answering that prayer in infinitely greater ways. There is such a richness to his blessings.

My situation has challenged me to watch for people who, like me, need encouragement. Want to join me in creating unexpected blessings to unsuspecting people? It sure is fun… 

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