Just can’t be a slacker

I’m working on my masters degree, which means once a week I sit in class the whole evening learning something that I hope makes me smarter. I have always taken school very seriously, making straight A’s in high school and college, always doing my homework, always reading the assignment. Yes, I was THAT girl in the front row. I just can’t help it… it’s not my personality to not do my best. Besides, I’m paying $2700 of my own money per class, so that’s extra incentive to try hard.

So this week I was feeling extra lazy and decided to put all my homework off until the last possible minute. I crammed about 3 hours of studying into 1 hour last night, doing just enough to make sure the assignment due was ready to be turned in. I decided not to bother reading the chapter, because, frankly, I wasn’t in the mood. Yes, I decided to watch tv instead of do my homework. I’m such a rebel.

So it was a great shock when I arrived at school 15 minutes before class started, and decided to flip open the book to find out what I was supposed to have read about. Turns out, I had already read it! I forgot that last week I had to get my oil changed, and I brought my text book along to kill time while I waited. So, even though I really tried my best to be a slacker, it just didn’t work.

Whew. Maybe I’ll try again next week.

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