I am thankful God protected me

On day 10, I am thankful that God protected me during a very scary wreck. As I was driving on 820 between I-35 and 183, an 18-wheeler driving in front of me swerved and hit the car next to it. That wreck caused a lot of chaos and debris, and the car next to me swerved to miss the wreck and ended up hitting me. 
In the midst of the chaos, I am thankful that I didn’t hit the 18-wheeler ahead of me. I didn’t get rear-ended by anybody behind me. I didn’t hit the concrete barrier to my left (it was an area with heavy construction and concrete barriers on both sides of the highway with no shoulder or room to move). I never lost control of my car. And best yet, the people involved in the accident were all polite and insured.
Yesterday could have turned out very differently, for all four cars. But I am thankful that God chose to protect us. Time to celebrate.
“How can I repay the Lord for all His acts of kindness to me? I will celebrate my deliverance, and call on the name of the Lord.” -Psalm 116:12-13


  1. what a wonderful blessing that is! i am so glad you and all the others were safe. i have felt the protection of His hand, too, and as scary as it is, it is such a beautiful reminder of how small we are. a reminder that we are not in control. at. all. and that His timing is the only timing that matters.


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