How NOT to Take Bluebonnet Pictures


You know those things that sound really good in your head, but in reality are a terrible idea? Yeah, that would include things like taking bluebonnet pictures. Because it’s ALWAYS a good idea to put a helpless baby into a field of tall grass and weeds and cross your fingers that a rattle snake doesn’t eat her.


But we’re new parents, so of course, we just HAD to get bluebonnet pictures. Well, confession… I’m the genius who just HAD to get the pictures, because that’s what good Texas mamas do, right?

While we were in Round Top, we stayed in an amazing farmhouse on 90 acres, and everything around us was covered in gorgeous bluebonnets. It was like heaven. So after a long day of shopping for junk antiques, we decided to take the grandparents and our nephew out for some photos.

New parents, I’m going to save you some heartache. Here’s a list of how NOT to take bluebonnet pictures with your baby:


1. Pick a really cold day. Cold, windy, rainy… and then dress your baby in summer clothes because the outfit “matches the bluebonnets.”

2. Take the pictures during naptime. Because babies are always extra smiley when they’re tired.

3. Choose to take them during naptime on a day when they’ve been shopping for SEVENTY BAJILLION HOURS. You know, because they’ll definitely be in a good mood.


4. Decide that the baby doesn’t need to sit on a quilt, because that distracts from the bluebonnets. Bluebonnet pictures have very particular requirements – the child must sit directly on the ground, surrounded by bluebonnets.

5. Go a little crazy and just LAY the baby down in the middle of the bluebonnets.


6. When the baby starts screaming hysterically, pick her up, brush off the dirt… and then realize that it’s not dirt on the baby’s head… no, her head is COVERED IN ANTS!!!!!!!

7. If you’re a mother, this is where you should start freaking out. Which will make the baby cry even more.

8. Forget the bluebonnet pictures, run the baby inside, and start GOOGLING THE HECK OUT OF YOUR PHONE trying to figure out how to treat ant bites on a baby.

9. Freak out just a little more. You know you want to.

10. Call your friend who is a doctor, seek medical advice on multiple “Mom Pages” on Facebook, pray like crazy your baby isn’t allergic, and then call it a day. You have officially completed your first annual bluebonnet pictures.

Repeat next year…

(PS – It turns out that Wrenn is not allergic to ants… the bites didn’t even bother her… praise the Lord.)


PrintCheck out my newest print: Every Day I Love You.

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  1. Hey at least she didn’t get eaten by a rattlesnake?!?! I think her pics are still adorable and you will always remember them:)


  2. Oh my gosh!!!! This is awful, but I’m so glad I read/stumble on your blog!! As I was driving to work this morning I saw the first bunches of Bluebonnets along the side of the road and thought IT’S TIME! I HAVE TO GET PICS!! Lol this was an excellent reminder that I NEED to plan this adventure and not just do it on a whim.

    Our “newborn” pics that we had taken 3 weeks after my girl was born were a DISASTER because we did it during nap time (thinking that she’d be asleep!!) She screamed and cried the whole time and would NOT fall asleep.


    1. Once you realize your kiddo is going to survive, it’s kind of funny. Well, it’s funny now that two years have passed. At the time, I was a total wreck, ready to call 911 and get some sort of helicopter ambulance to our remote location to save my girl. Just in case.


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