Home free… almost

The first eight days that Mr. Right was in India have flown by. Seriously. I know it’s only due to the many people who have so graciously prayed for me during his absence – I worried I’d be a total wreck while we were apart, but instead God has given me peace. Peace, and a lot of fun with my girlfriends and family (thanks to everybody who has hung out with me – I haven’t been this social in years).

But tonight was hard. I hoped all day I’d hear from him for Valentine’s Day. And, about 8:00 tonight he called! But what did I do? I cried through half the call. I couldn’t help it – we were talking about how soon he’ll be home, and how much we miss each other, and the waterworks turned on and I couldn’t stop them. I think part of it was frustration that the reception was so bad that I could barely understand him (who would have thought cell phone service in a remote Indian town would be so bad?). There was so much I wanted to talk about – but instead it was a bunch of “huh’s” and “can you repeat that?” until we finally gave up.

I wanted to tell him how I’ve been thinking back to last Valentine’s Day when he surprised me with a gourmet dinner set on a table pulled up next to the fire. He took the afternoon off work and cooked and cooked and cooked so that I could have a special dinner. I wanted to tell him that I’m looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day with him next week instead. That I’m counting the hours until I can greet him with a big old hug in the DFW Airport baggage claim.

But all I couldn’t get the words out through the tears. Stupid, stupid tears.

Thanks to my friends who have so diligently prayed for me – your prayers have worked. Please pray that the next three days go by quickly. Please pray for travel arrangements – every flight he has been on has either been cancelled or delayed. Please pray he gets home safely and on time. With 36 hours of travel ahead, delays could add another day to his trip.

And please pray along with me that God would do big things in India. I can’t wait to hear all about it.

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

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