Hand-sewn Christmas Cards

I wanted to show you the Christmas cards I made. It was actually quite easy… I just printed the cards on white cardstock, then sandwiched them around a piece of red fabric, and sewed them on my sewing machine with red thread. The hardest part was cutting everything out – the sewing part was a breeze.

I experimented with different types of sewing – zig zags and straight lines – and found that the simplest technique looked the best.

I’m very pleased with how they turned out, and they were some of the least expensive cards I’ve ever sent (good for our Dave Ramsey budget). The most expensive part was the fabric (but I had a 40% off coupon) and the postage. Which is a good thing, because combining our two families means that we sent out a LOT of Christmas cards this year! Speaking of which… to my blog friends, if you want to exchange Christmas cards (which would be so fun!) message me on Facebook and we can exchange addresses. This only goes for blog friends whom I also know in person…

In case you want to see where I got my inspiration, I got it from Pinterest. Of course.


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