Grant Teaff & Pecan Pie

I had yet another fundraising dinner for work tonight (this one for a very worthy Christian non-profit). If you’re taking notes, that’s my 5 millionth fundraiser this month. No kidding.

I must admit that I wasn’t super excited about having to work until 10 p.m. on a Monday night (since Tuesday I have class until 9 p.m.–two late nights in a row), but I was pleasantly surprised because (1) Grant Teaff, the best football coach in Baylor’s history, gave a fabulous speech, (2) I got to get my photo made with him (and my eyes were open!), and (3) they served some really fantastic pecan pie, which happens to be my favorite.

So my night turned out to be pretty darn good. Sic ’em, Bears!

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