Am I the only gal who kind of let herself go over the past few years? It wasn’t on purpose. I remember myself being fairly fashion-forward during most of my 20s. And I had a decent amount of disposable income, few responsibilities, and a large clothing budget.
I always thought of it as marketing. Marketing myself at work as a professional (with a job in PR, image is extremely important). Marketing myself outside of work as marriable. I needed to look nice, because I never knew when I was going to cross paths with Mr. Right, right? (Ironically enough, he fell for me one night while I was wearing an old t-shirt and had my hair throw into a ponytail… not one of those “I’m pretending not to care but it took me two hours” kind of outfits. No, this was a “I really don’t feel like hosting this party so I’m just going to throw something on at the last minute” outfit. And somehow I snagged myself a husband! God has a sense of humor.)
{vest- gift | jeans – old (Banana) | shirt- old (J Crew Outlet) | boots – old}
But back to clothes. I got married and immediately gained 15 pounds and cut my budget WAY back. And then I had a baby, and none of my clothes fit with the extra weight I carried around after I delivered that precious baby. And then I got a job with a casual work environment, where I worked a few days a week from home in my pajamas. And, well, let’s just say that it has been a good 18 months of t-shirts and yoga pants and a whole lot of dry shampoo.
For 2015, I’ve decided to try to dress up more. Really use all the clothes in my closet (and if I’m not going to use them, sell them on Facebook to go toward my Mama Wants New Curtains Fund). Not necessarily buy more clothes, or go super fancy… but just have fun with clothes again. To stop being afraid and just go for it… to feel put together, even if it’s just me and the kiddo at home surrounded by toys.
{military jacket – thrifted | jeans | shoes | t-shirt – old}
It turns out, many of the things in my closet can be easily tweaked to follow some of the latest trends. At least, my version of trends.
I’m linking up to The Pleated Poppy and her What I Wore Wednesday post. And for the record, I’m still using a heck of a lot of dry shampoo. Because, motherhood, right?
{left photo: all old | right photo: top, everything else – old}
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