But what if it takes two more years?

My family held an intervention the past two nights. My parents basically told me that I am over-doing it with school and work and life in general, and that next semester I should go back to just one class. I guess it’s not healthy to always feel like you’re going to cry, or collapse from exhaustion that comes from working two jobs and taking two night classes. 

Part of me wants to hunker down and take two classes so I can stay on track to graduate next Christmas (I have five classes left). But another part of me wants to cry at the idea, and realizes that life has become too much to handle. Will the world end if it takes me two more years to finish? If, during those two years, I can coast and enjoy life and play with friends, and only worry about school one night a week? The thought brings so much relief. 
Maybe they’re on to something…

One Comment

  1. If it takes 2 more years, it takes 2 more years! Enjoy your time in school, and make time for friends and fun. This is the lesson I have quickly learned in my short time in grad. school. Easier said than done though! 🙂 Praying for you!


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