Being pregnant is like being a supermodel

Your first trimeter is a lot like living the life of a supermodel.

I eat very small meals every two hours. And I only eat a few strange foods.

Okay, that’s where the similarities end. My first trimester is the exact opposite of glamorous. But I’m trying to maintain a sense of humor as I lie on the couch and stare at the TV, sometimes closing my eyes when the nausea gets too bad to keep them open.

Go hormones. Go!

This weekend I lived off of a tomato pizza, croissants, and Special K cereal. Basically, I’m carb loading – the idea of meat absolutely grosses me out. And I’m drinking gallons of water, because the minute I get the least bit dehydrated I feel horrible.

In the meantime, my TV and I are best friends. It’s the only thing I have the energy to do after surviving the work day. After finishing How I Met Your Mother, I’m now hooked on Law & Order SVU and Arrested Development.

Any suggestions of new TV series I should watch on Netflix? Or new/current shows I can watch on Hulu? I’m running out of ideas and I have several more weeks before I’m due to get my second wind.


  1. I’m currently watching ER and 24 but I’ve heard that parenthood is the best show ever so it’s next on my list.


    1. I watched ER the first time around, but you’re the second person I’ve heard who’s watching 24 on Netflix. I may have to give that one a try!


      1. We just got hooked on Ducks Dynasty! Such a good Christian family who make me die laughing! I think past seasons are on Netflix through our Wii so surely it’s on Hulu. Airs on A&E…


  2. There’s Glee, of course. And Downton Abbey. Modern Family is HI-LAR-ious. Just start searching for whatever keeps you from crying. YAY!


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