And the winner is…

Thanks to everybody who entered my contest – it was so fun to see some familiar names, along with a few new ones. It means so much to me that you would take the time to read my silly little blog.

Ashleigh Johnson! I’m so excited that Ashleigh won, since she’s a newlywed and is busy making a new home with her man. If you want to know more about Ashleigh, go check out her blog. Funny story, she was hired to replace me at my first job after I took my current job at the hospital. More than eight years later we’re still both doing PR in the community and enjoy sharing ideas and the occasional lunch date. Congrats Ashleigh – email me your address and I’ll drop your print in the mail!

Ashleigh chose my fall print:

If you want your own. feel free to pay a visit to my shop. And stay tuned – I have had a lot of extra design time on my hands these past few days as I’ve been stuck at home sick. There will be several new prints hitting the shop soon, along with some more notecards.

Speaking of being sick, you wouldn’t waste a prayer on me. I’m home for the third day in a row, and I am SO OVER feeling crummy. Last night my little sinus infection started triggering some pretty severe asthma attacks, so my night and this morning have been filled with breathing treatments, trying to avoid a trip to the ER (although if I end up there, at least I know it’s the most fabulous ER in town). This is pretty much the worse possible time for me to be sick, so please pray that today is my last day to feel bad. I have way too much to do to be stuck on this couch!

But it hasn’t all been a waste – I have watched almost the entire mini-series The Kennedys. It is SO GOOD. I’m on episode 7 of 8. Next time you find an extra 8 hours of time on your hands, I definitely recommend it.


  1. I am so sorry you’re still feeling bad:( That’s no fun! Thanks again for being so fabulous with my prints! Printing them today during lunch! Get well soon!


    1. Jill, I thought of poor Bear last night while I was up. Breathing treatments are no fun as an adult, I can’t imagine watching your poor little guy go through it. Praying for a quick rebound for sweet Bear.


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