All better–bye bye flu

PS–After 27 sick blogs over the past ten days, I’m happy to report that I’m doing much better! I managed to go to work today, and made it all the way until 3:00 before going home and passing out on my couch. I think my couch will have a permanent imprint of my hiney on it after this week.

It’s so good to be back with the living… and away from Facebook. I have officially cyber-stalked every person I have ever known and am utterly bored by the whole thing. If my childhood best friend’s little brother’s new wife posted photos this week, I’ve seen them. Now that I’m feeling better, it’s so good to be back around REAL people, doing REAL work, and breathing REAL fresh air. Thanks again to everyone who prayed for me and emailed me over the past week… you guys rock. I’m happy to officially report that I’m NO LONGER CONTAGIOUS. Hooray!

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