Last year I ran a half marathon. My goal was to finish without dying or puking, and somehow I managed to avoid both. It was a wonderful experience and a great test of my own personal resolve and work ethic. Just when I thought I was a big, lazy whimp
ast year I ran a half marathon. My goal was to finish without dying or puking, and somehow I managed to avoid both. It was a wonderful experience and a great test of my own personal resolve and work ethic. Just when I thought I was a big, lazy nothing, I somehow trained to run 13 miles. Go me.

But that was last year. This year, I needed a new challenge. So I have chosen a different sport, one that I am equally as clueless about, but one that I think will take me far in life.
I’m learning to salsa.
Two friends and I are taking weekly salsa lessons from a leading salsa instructor. Every Monday night you’ll find me in my strappy high heels, jeans, and a tank top (a la Dancing With the Stars), shaking my tushy to the reggae flavor of the month. Luis, my teacher, is fabulous, and his class is a hoot. It looks like you may find me at the local salsa club on the weekends, dancing it up with my new-found friends. Who knows, maybe I’ll find myself a latin lover and kiss the single life goodbye… all because of my salsa class.
Nah, probably not. But it’s still excellent exercise and provides endless amounts of entertainment

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