10 Quirky Things About Me

My family shows love by bringing each other drinks at work.
Just about everybody in my family has backed into each other. I backed into my sister’s ex-boyfriend. Then my mom backed into me with Sarah’s car. Then Sarah backed into Lindsay’s car. It’s dangerous to park in our driveway.
I collect sassy aprons. I’ve found it makes cooking more fun.
One of my great joys in life is throwing a party. Because of this I collect dishes and could probably host a sit-down dinner for 30 without borrowing anything.
I carry a little yellow inhaler on my person 24/7. You will NEVER find me without it.
I love fireworks, Christmas lights, and gift wrap.
My current food addictions include pears, avocados, and chocolate pop tarts.
You will never see me eat cheesecake, meat on a bone, or fish. Unless the fish is sushi, and then I love it.
I can never remember if Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are cities or states.

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