Wrenn at 22 Months


Oh 22 months… there are so many things I don’t want to forget about Wrenn at this age:

Wrenn thinks anything that’s sweet is PIE. And girlfriend LOVES PIE.

She is obsessed with Elmo and Cookie Monster and everybody on Sesame Street.


She loves the word BUTTERFLY. She says it with such drama in a slight whisper, and then will try to interlock her thumbs to make a butterfly with her hands. But she’s not quite coordinated enough to do it, so she just flaps her fingers as she whispers BUTTERFLY with a sparkle in her eye.

Her other favorite words/phrases right now include:

  • Hi Mayor! (from The Little Blue Truck book)
  • Hooray!
  • Elephant (pronounced epitant)
  • Choo Choo! (girlfriend never misses the sound of a choo choo train)
  • Airplane! (she can spot them from so far away – it’s amazing)
  • Poo Poo!
  • Bug… EEEWWW!
  • Shoes/Boots/Socks
  • It’s a ______. (ex: It’s a mama. It’s a bug. It’s a poo poo. It’s a book.)
  • Snack/eat/water/milk
  • Thank you (she says this anytime I hand her anything, completely unprompted – what manners!)wrenn2

She can actually jump off the ground. She can also throw a ball and do a front roll with just a little assistance from me.

We have been going to our library’s toddler time once a week, where the highlights include the giant train that runs on train tracks attached to the ceiling, blowing bubbles, singing songs, and seeing her friend Elsie.

She’s very affectionate. She loves to hug, give kisses, hold my hand, and pat me on the back. I think her love language is going to be touch.


We spend several evenings a week and much of our Saturdays working in our garden. Last Saturday she spent a half day outside with us and had a blast playing/digging/helping us while we worked. I don’t have to keep her entertained; she finds plenty to do on her own.

She loves bubbles. Especially the bubbles in the sink when I wash dishes. She will drag her little stool across the kitchen over to the sink and stand there and “wash dishes” (aka – play with the bubbles). She also loves bubble baths and knows exactly which container the bubble bath comes in.


Her favorite song is Skidamarink, something we learned at the library. She likes me to do the hand motions with her arms. When we finish, she’ll squeal, AGAIN! AGAIN!

She’s taller than most of her friends and wears a 2T in clothes (sometimes I can squeeze her into an 18-24 month size, but just barely). She’s wearing a size 6 in shoes, and I think she’ll soon outgrow those as well.

She insists on only wearing boots. Either her rain boots or her pink, light-up cowgirl boots. She has so many other pairs of shoes, but she wears her boots 90% of the time.


We have a running joke that she has stinky feet. Anytime she takes off her shoes I’ll say, “Stinky feet! P-U!” and then she’ll start giggling uncontrollably and say, “P-U! Eeewww!”

She loves to do grown-up things and mimic what Mr. Right and I are doing. She pretends to put on makeup and I’ve watched her mime putting on deodorant. She wants to cook like daddy, and she loves to “help” by putting her clothes in the dirty clothes hamper or putting her used cups in the sink. Such a sweet little helper!


Precious child – you have brought me new joys with every new month. Bless you, and may God continue to grow your little spirit to do BIG things for Him!

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