Women’s Dinner

My sweet church hosted a women’s dinner for 600+ women this week.  Here’s the recap of this wonderful, chocolate and big-jewelry-filled evening:
1. The men of our church served the women. They dressed up, donned black aprons and acted as waiters, graciously serving their women so that we could feel doted on. Mr. Right volunteered, and I may be a bit biased, but I think he looked mighty handsome carrying that pitcher of ice tea.
2. Our church invited my ESL ladies to attend. For free. And so many of our members came by to welcome them and tell them how happy they were that they chose to join us. 
3. Some of our ESL students come from cultures where a man would NEVER serve a woman. So this dinner blew their mind. It was a great testimony, and they felt so very special. It’s nights like this, where they feel loved on, that softens their hearts to hear and accept the gospel.
4. Our church took up a collection to pay for textbooks for our English students for next semester. We almost cried when we found out – they had kept it as a surprise from us. Textbooks are very expensive and most of our students have very little money – so this is a huge deal.
Thanks to First Euless for investing in women. And thanks to the women who chose last night to invest in our English students. 
“And I pray that you… may have power… to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”  – Ephesians 3:18-19

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