What I’m reading…

I’ve got so many blogs swimming in my head that I can’t commit to what I want to write next. That, and my friend Andrea is on her way to watch The Bachelor with me, and I’m going to get two blissful hours of knitting time while we yell at the TV. I can’t wait, and my husband will benefit if I can finish his cool yellow scarf in time for the ice storm tomorrow (brrr). In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some really cool blogs to peruse while I brainstorm.
I just discovered this today, and I’m already in love. My next project (after I finish my scarf and my quilt) will be this ruffle pillow.
I never followed her before, but now I anxiously read each morning to see if Joann is recovering from her stroke. I stumbled across it after a post on Beth Moore’s blog, and the heartfelt posts by her husband bring tears to my eyes. Such a great example of unconditional love and a strong marriage.
My sister started a blog! She’s a super-talented interior designer and artist, and this new blog will feature projects she tackles. She has done a lot of design work at my house, as well as created some one-of-a-kind furniture pieces that other folks drool over. She’s uber talented. Check out the coffee table she made from my favorite novels. (photo courtesy of McGowan Images)
I’ll probably never be able to do half the quilts this pro does, but I get so inspired by looking at all of her pictures and color combinations. Who knows, maybe one of these days I’ll master the math involved in cutting out all of those pieces. Here’s the quilt I’m almost finished with.
I’m off now to finish my dinner dishes and curl up on the couch with my knitting needles to enjoy the last calm evening before our little blizzard hits North Texas.

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