Too busy for resolutions

I had good intentions to write down my new year’s resolutions, but I haven’t gotten around to it just yet. I got into such a lazy mode while I was on vacation, that going back to work and the routine that goes with it was tough. Next week I go back to grad school, which means even less free time. So basically, I don’t have time to make any major life changes. Here’s what I have so far:

1. Get organized.
I did this a little. I just cleaned out my 2007 files to make way for 2008. Having a cute red patent leather storage box helps motivate me to be more organized. I have a thing for storage supplies, office supplies, school supplies… and in 2008, it’s all goign to work for me! (hopefully) I also organized a lot of my stuff at work–since I work in marketing, my office is dripping with brochures, newsletters, etc. from the past 10 years. It’s a bit overwhelming, so I’m trying to take control. Oh, and I want to keep my shoes in the shoe holder, and not on the floor of my closet.

2. Keep plugging away at school.
So far, I’ve taken three classes out of 12. That’s 25 percent (and all A’s so far!). If I take three classes this year (spring, summer, fall) I’ll be half-way done with my master’s degree this Christmas. Which means I’ll have a chance at finishing by age 30. I never thought I’d still be in school at 30, but then again, I never really thought I’d be 30. So I might as well give it a try!

3. Try not to overcommit my schedule.
This means not scheduling something every night of the week. Actually stopping and reading a book for fun, or watching tv. I can’t do everything. I have to remind myself of that. Constantly. It’s one of my weaknesses.

4. Have a plan for studying the Bible.
I’m currently doing the Beth Moore Jesus study. Before I finish, I need to pick something else. Not just stick with my favorite books of the Bible, but branch out to those books that take a lot more work. I’d also like to memorize 75 Bible verses. I’ve been hovering around 50 for the past couple of years, it’s time to up the ante a little more. I think I can do it.

5. Work out a little more.
I used to run three miles at a time, take weight-lifting classes (even salsa). Lately I’ve been too busy. I need to get back in fighting form. I’m not worried about weight, but I’d like to work on those muscles! Besides, I just got some cute new running shoes that need breaking in.

Okay, that’s enough resolving for now. It’s back to organizing those files while I watch another Law & Order SVU episode. I love that show.

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