That time I went on bedrest… and an induction date


Tuesday I woke up feeling crummy and swollen. I weighed myself and realized I’d gained about 5 pounds in just a few days – probably water weight. My face, my feet, and my ankles were swollen, and as the day went on I felt worse and worse. No day is especially easy when you’re 38 weeks pregnant, but something was just off and I wasn’t sure what.

I finished the work day and started to drive home, then started thinking that maybe my blood pressure might be high. Since I work at a hospital, I circled back to work and asked someone to take my blood pressure – it was 169/79. I typically run really low (normal is 120/80 for most people, but I run lower than that).

I called up to the Labor & Delivery Department to see what they thought, and they told me I should come in to get monitored. So, Mr. Right and I grabbed my overnight bag (just in case) and went up for about four hours of tests and monitoring. Turns out I was also having contractions 2-4 minutes apart (I could barely feel them), and Mr. Right climbed in bed with me and we watched our favorite show while we waited to see if we were going to have a baby that night.

We didn’t. Turns out the contractions were just braxton hicks, and my blood pressure finally went back down, and my lab tests came back good, so we got discharged and headed back home.

I went back to the doctor this morning, and she decided to put me on strict bed rest (aka – only get up to go to the bathroom, must be lying down at all times) until Baby Girl arrives. Which, we found out, will be no later than July 11. So, we’ll be holding our little girl within a week! I can’t believe it.


In the meantime, I’m hanging out on the couch watching TV and movies. Expect a lot of blogging, some new prints in the shop (including this one I designed today), and at least one give-away. Feel free to leave a comment – or a hundred – to give me some much-needed human interaction.

In the meantime, we wait for that precious Baby Girl’s arrival!


  1. So excited for you, Bethe! This little girl is going to be the luckiest girl in the world! Hope everything goes smoothly. Thinking and praying for you! xxoo


    1. Last night we watched The One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. I’ve also got two versions of Les Mis on my list (Mr. Right loves the old version), and I’ve been saving the latest season of How I Met Your Mother.


  2. My date that I picked is coming up 🙂 hope the time passes quickly for you. Enjoy these last moments of just being you and will!


  3. Best of luck Bethe! Take it easy and relax. You deserve it 🙂 Can’t wait to (virtually) meet Baby Wren!


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