Thankful… home stretch

I’m behind on being thankful… my only excuse is that I had teenage houseguests all weekend and then Monday I left my house at 6:00 a.m. to meet a newscrew to shoot a surgery and then went non-stop until I got home that night at 10:00 p.m.  Needless to say I was in a zombie-like state by then and barely able to brush my teeth, much less blog.

I’m still in a zombie-like state, but at least I’m sitting down.

So, in honor of days 26, 27, 28, and 29…

I am thankful for my sister and brothers-in-law. Three years ago my little family was just our core five, and now it’s busting at the seams. Some of the greatest additions have been all of the -in-laws: Dallas the police officer, Philip the music minister, Grant the oil and gas guy, and Michelle, the stay-at-home mom to our beautiful niece Ella (and fabulous cook). Each one has meant a special new friendship and has made get-togethers so much more interesting.

I am thankful for big family holidays – in our case it meant two massive Thanksgiving meals, two massive birthday dinners, and one massive out-of-town family dinner. Which is why my hiney feels a bit massive today, but I’m back on the running wagon, so I plan to slim it back down to Kim Kardashian size just in time to overeat again for Christmas.

I am thankful for foot rubs from my husband. And neck rubs.

I am thankful for some special girlfriends, mainly Katie, Andrea, Sara, Amy, Tera, Nyree, and Pam. These women have seen me on good days and bad, all dolled up and with tears and snot running down my face. And they still keep coming back.

I am thankful for Pinterest and the many Christmas projects it’s inspired, including my Christmas quilt, some Christmas wreaths, and my Christmas cards (which I will debut in a later post… they’re sewn!).

I am thankful for long bubble baths and good books… something I enjoyed Sunday night.

I am thankful that I will become an aunt again next summer when Sarah has her first baby. And I am thankful that I’m already an aunt to the fabulous 2-year-old Ella who has hit a really fun stage.

All of this thankfulness has just made my day a little brighter. Now I can get back to conquering the world… and start dreaming about that next bubble bath.

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