Friday Favorites

FRIDAY FAVORITES (1)It’s been so long since you and I talked. Mostly because having a baby is tiring, and by 7:30 each evening, when both kids are in bed and work is done, I’m totally out of energy and have no words left to write.

We have SO MUCH to catch up on.

Like… some of my new favorites!

Eats_Logo_Whit_Horiz1. Uber Eats Gift Cards

I’m already a fan of having someone bring me dinner to my house. And, I love to send dinner (or random PIE… seriously) to other peoples’ houses. But now, I can send a gift card for someone to order WHATEVER THEY WANT, whenever they want, and have it delivered to their house. For this working mama who loves to love on people but frankly doesn’t have the time to cook/deliver food, this is AMAZING. (You have to do it through their website because the app doesn’t have the feature yet. Or you can use my favorite website in the whole world… Amazon.)

617J7XbwZqL._SL1000_2. My Amazon Fire Tablet

I bought myself a shiny new 10″ Amazon Fire tablet with my birthday money… just $99 on Black Friday for the latest and greatest version. I use it for just three things:

  1. Reading my magazines on Texture (PS – If we’re friends, I can give you a special link to get your first month free, and then I’ll get an Amazon gift card, which you know I will love. Just let me know and I can email/Facebook it to you.)
  2. Watching Parenthood on Netflix while I take a bubble bath
  3. Reading books on my Kindle app

And that’s it. It honestly does everything my iPhone does, but at a fraction of the price of a new iPad. And… it’s red.

download3. RetailMeNot

I’ve always used RetailMeNot to find discount codes for online purchases. Duh, it saves you money on almost EVERYTHING. But, I recently had to buy a new dishwasher (our high-end discounted floor model crapped out after just 2 years and was more expensive to fix than replace), and I found that RetailMeNot also offers cash back rewards on some purchases. You guys, IT IS NOT A SCAM. I simply searched for a discount at Lowes, found a link on Retail Me Not’s site to use, and scored a $35 cash back rebate. I then redeemed it through PayPal and used it to buy myself some shoes I’d been eyeing (which haven’t arrived yet… I’ll let you know if I like them). I like free money. A lot.



4. Parenthood

I realize I’m pretty late to the game, but I’m currently on Season 3 and you guys, THIS SHOW IS ABOUT MY FAMILY. Like, it’s weird. I’m the youngest sister, which is ironic because I’m actually the oldest sister. But the adoption storyline (I’m in the middle of it and was warned not to watch it before we finalized our adoption, but OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS SO OUR STORY OF OUR FAILED ADOPTION WHERE FOR SIX WEEKS I WORRIED THAT SAYING THE WRONG THING WOULD COST US A BABY). Coach is my dad (who, ironically, we call Coach as his grandpa name). These are my family members. WHY ISN’T EVERYBODY WATCHING THIS WITH ME AT THE SAME TIME?

I may be a little bit too overexcited. This is what happens when I watch only one show, start to finish, six full seasons in a row, at a time.

If you’re a Parenthood fan, let’s be friends. But no spoilers please… because I need to live this out in real time. (And also, can we all take a moment to talk about how much we love Crosby? And the fact that Lorelai Gilmore falls in love with her brother on this show in real life? It’s like my mind is blown.)


12a8ce89-b897-4fac-87d5-55806a9d542b5. Mila learned how to blow kisses

This isn’t new… Mila has been blowing kisses for months now. But today she started making the kissing sound and puckering her lips up in the most dramatic way. And it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your whole life. She was showing off by blowing kisses to her big sister tonight before bedtime, and my heart exploded. How did I end up with two gorgeous girls? Only God…



So… my other FAVORITE thing is when folks leave a comment on the blog! So… tell me, what is your current favorite thing? I’d love to discover something new and fabulous!

XOXO, Bethe

Friday Favorites

Today I’m linking back up with the Bargain Blonde for a Friday Favorites feature. Want to join me? Just leave a link to YOUR latest online favorite down in my comment section. I always love to get new ideas!

To see the original source (and some great tutorials) just click on the picture. I believe in giving credit where credit is due!

I don’t have a lot of free time at the moment (that’s what starting a new business will do to you – but I LOVE it). But, someday soon I plan to learn how to make baby bibs so I can stock up on some baby shower gifts. I liked this tutorial, although I also went ahead and just bought some bibs hoping I can deconstruct them and make my own pattern. I’m kind of a rebel like that.

My internet friend Lauren is wonderfully creative, and she came up with this idea for an invitation. I’ve done boxed invitations before and got raves from my guests over them, but this one is even better!

I love gray, I love neutral bedrooms, and I love that mirror. I could have some sweet, sweet dreams in that bedroom.

Somehow I married a man who can build just about anything I dream up, and as soon as I saw this wooden box I showed it to Mr. Right, and he has assured me he can make me one. I think it would be great for any season on our old barn dining table.

I love my chambray shirt that I snagged on clearance at the J Crew outlet, and I love this fashion blog by what seems like a really nice Christian girl.

And finally – I have discovered this blog which also has this etsy shop. Oh my word, this gal hand-draws all of her artwork, and I am amazed at her talent. It’s like all the doodles I used to do in school, the only difference is that hers are gorgeous, and mine looked like doodles.

I love it so much that I bought two of her pieces – this sewing machine print will soon hang in my sewing studio.

I bought these cards, which will go in my new orders, so if you visit my shop, you’ll be seeing this soon!

 I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend filled with all things lovely and relaxing!