Survey because I’m sick.

I’m feeling under the weather today, and have spent most of my afternoon in bed (I would have spent this morning in bed too, but I was scheduled to get my hair highlighted, and well, some things can’t wait, no matter HOW bad I might feel).

I’ve read 200 pages of my book, paid my bills, even addressed invitations for a shower I’m throwing in three weeks, and I’m still bored. So, I’m filling out another one of those silly surveys. We’ll see how it goes.

1. It’s 2AM on the weekend, and you are not home. You are more than likely:

I’m always home by 2 a.m. If I’m not, something must be terribly wrong. Call the police!

2. What’s the last thing you spent more than $100 on?

I spent $125 at Target yesterday on groceries and Christmas decorations they had on clearance. I got red placemats for $1.50 each (yea!) and about a dozen ornaments for about $1 each. I love post-Christmas bargains!

3. What do your bank checks look like?

I buy the cheapest versions my bank offers–I have tried the cute ones before, but I don’t really care about impressing my electric company, water company, etc. by cutesie checks.

4. Where did the shirt you are currently wearing come from?

I’m wearing my Cowtown Marathon t-shirt. I’m on their Board of Directors so I have a lot of free shirts. This version is last year’s brown shirt–it’s one of my favorites, very retro.

5. Name something that is on your Christmas wish list..

I haven’t started my list for next year. I mean, I still have 362 days to work on that.

6. What color is your toothbrush?

I would have to get up to check that, so I’m going to guess white. But I could be wrong.

7. Name something you collect?

I collect newspaper and magazine clippings that mention me or the hospital that I do public relations for. In my four years at work there I have filled about 10 large notebooks. Don’t worry, I keep those at the office, they’re not cluttering up my house.

8. Last restaurant you ate at?

I got Chick-fil-a with a friend a few days ago. And last night we ordered Papa John’s Pizza for a game night I hosted at my house.

9. Last person you bought a Birthday card for?

Must have been for my sister, whose birthday was in December. Happy Birthday Lindsay.

10. What is your worst bad habit?

Who me? Bad habits?

11. Name a magazine you subscribe to?

TIME and US Weekly. I have been wanting to subscribe to Rachel Ray’s magazine, but I can’t seem to fork over the $15 for the subscription.

12. Your favorite pizza toppings?

I like as many vegetables as possible. Even a little pineapple.

13. Who’s number were you looking up the last time you used a phone book?

Phone book? What is that? I haven’t used one of those in years. It’s called G-O-O-G-L-E.

14. I chose to skip this question… don’t you wish you knew what it was?

15. Name the last thing you cooked.

Yesterday I baked heart-shaped cupcakes and made a tomato basil dip for my game night party. I love to host parties of any kind, large or small.

16. Name something you wouldn’t want to buy used?

Shoes. Feet gross me out.

17. Which shoe do you put on first?

I’m too busy thinking about important things like world peace to remember which shoe I put on first. I’m just lucky if I pick two that match.

18. What is the last thing you remember losing?

Besides my sanity? I can’t find my digital camera–I’m hoping I left it at work.

19. What is the ugliest piece of furniture in your house?

I used to absolutely hate my bedroom furniture (it was a hand-me-down from a neighbor), until my sister and I refinished it and bought new hardware for it. Now it’s actually cute–somebody recently asked me if I bought it at Pottery Barn!

20. Last thing you bought and ended up returning?

I have a bunch of extra Christmas lights in the back of my car that I should return to Loews, but haven’t had time to yet.

21. What perfume/cologne do you wear?

Either Ralph Lauren’s Romance or an assortment of perfumes that I purchased in the South of France, right outside of Monaco (doesn’t that sound hip to say you bought something in the South of France? Did I mention I ran into the guy who plays “McSteamy” on Grey’s Anatomy while I was there?)

22. Your favorite board game?

Trivial Pursuit

24. Where did your vehicle come from?

Snowflake has been in my family for a loooong time. Like 9 years. I just got her this summer, after I sold my convertible. I won’t be getting another car until I finish grad school. No need for an unnecessary payment!

25. If a movie was made about your life what would the theme song be?

I’m a big fan of Ingrid Michaelson at the moment, so maybe one of her songs.

26. You’re sad, who can cheer you up easily?

My parents and sisters can always cheer me up. The last time I was really upset, my dad showed up at my house with new rocking chairs for my front porch. What a sweet guy.

27. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to?

Hmmm… I don’t remember. It was Amy’s wedding, but I don’t remember. I do remember that the bride’s dress was white (duh).

28. What house cleaning chore do you hate to do the most?

I don’t mind any of the inside chores. I don’t like to mow, and I really don’t like to edge the grass. But, I do it because otherwise I would probably get a big fine from the city, and it does make my house look better.

29. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?

I really love the teriyaki chicken burger from Red Robin. It’s very unhealthy and not my normal style, but for some reason I love LOVE it.

30. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is?

I like anything as long as the icing is whipped. Which reminds me, I’m hungry for those heart-shaped cupcakes I made yesterday…

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