Support your favorite small business

Today is Small Business Saturday. Who would have ever known that I would have a small business? But I do, and I am so very thankful for the people who have supported us through the last few months. This little shop has really helped us as we went down to one income to launch Mr. Right’s new career as a real estate agent.

In honor of Small Business Saturday (and Cyber Monday, which is a heck of a lot cooler than Black Friday), I’m running a sale in the shop. For every print you purchase, you will receive one print FREE (print must be a $15 value – does not apply to custom prints). This means you can knock two people off your Christmas list at once, or you can buy for a friend, and keep something for yourself. I’m happy to report that there are several Christmas prints framed and up in my house – pictures coming soon. Well, as soon as I finish decorating my house for Christmas… which I hope will be tonight, but to be honest, that’s debatable.

But back to the sale. You don’t need a special code, just purchase your favorite print, and in the comments let me know which print you want for free. Offer ends Monday night at midnight.

Now, back to finishing another Christmas quilt and finding a place for all these decorations stacked up in my garage…

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