Summer bucket list

I guess all married couples have running “things” – not really an inside joke, but that thing you say to each other where you both nod in agreement and probably nobody else would understand (reason #726 why I love marriage). For us, we like to say that we need to “add that to the list” which means it’s a date idea, recipe we want to try, or otherwise fantastic idea that us planners can’t wait to try.
Once we try it, if it’s really fantastic (and only the most amazingly awesome things make the cut), we say we want to put it on the “repeat list.” Things that have made our repeat list include dates at Cowboy Chow, cooking homemade chopped barbecue sandwiches on open-faced cheese buns (I know your stomach just growled), and a homemade frozen strawberry lemonade drink that I adore even more since I was forced to give up carbonated drinks six months ago. Only the most special items make the repeat list.
After a date night discussion about what we wanted to do this summer, and inspired by our imaginary ever-growing list and Pinterest, we came up with an official summer bucket list which is currently posted on our refrigerator.
I made a pretty one like this, but it’s too hard to read, so I’ll retype it below:
1. Swim (check, check, check)
2. Watch fireworks (this weekend)
3. Picnic
4. Bike Ride
5. Watch a sunset
6. Go to the lake (check)
7. Leisurely dinner on a restaurant patio
8. Cousin visit
9. Go to Will’s mall (there’s a backstory to this that I’ll share someday)
10. Ride the train to Dallas
11. Eat dinner on our porch
12. Discover a new restaurant
13. Cook a brisket
14. Watch Harry Potter (the new one)
15. Lose 15 pounds (aka – Project 115)
16. Eat at Cowboy Chow (like I said, one of our few repeaters)
17. Cheer on the Rangers (check)
18. Compete in a triathlon (Will… check)
19. Date night on Trinity Trail
20. Spontaneous ice cream date (twice checked)
21. Use our crock pot
22. Eat Argentine food (Will spent a summer in Argentina)
23. Eat Columbian food (we fell in love with their food last summer when were were there for a week)
24. Eat Indian food (check)
What’s on your summer bucket list? Maybe we missed something…


  1. i meant to comment on this a LOOONNG time ago, but had to come back and do it. was TOTALLY cracking up laughing at the “food” entries on the bucket list {almost half!} and the project 115 entry sandwiched in there! 🙂 i love food, too. butter and bacon are my weaknesses!


  2. Ha, just saw the irony. We're trying to live balanced lives – my husband is a total foodie and it has rubbed off on me, so we're trying to still enjoy great food/restaurants but in between make healthy choices and work out a lot. …Says the girl who just ate some leftover peach cobbler at 9:45 a.m.


  3. […] had a big internal debate over whether or not to tackle a Summer Bucket List. I started doing it in 2011, and then last year Mr. Right and I brainstormed for weeks to come up with our 2012 list. (for a […]


  4. […] that’s how I came up with my first Summer Bucket List in 2011. At the beginning of our first summer as a married couple, my husband and I sat down and […]


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