Starbucks & Stilettos

If I had known I was going to spend my day running through the hospital, I would have worn my Ugly Friday flats instead of my stiletto tall boots. Luckily, tucked away in those stilettos were some orthopedic shoe inserts!

In the midst of playing hostess to a group of community VIPs who stopped by for SEVEN hours worth of tours and presentations, the mayor called to say that one of the network news stations was coming to do a story with us… in five minutes. Such good news, but terrible timing. So I sent my ducklings off on an impromptu tour and scrambled to find a primo interview spot for my major market reporter. We nailed the interview, then I flitted over to surgery to give a tour. After all, who is more qualified to give a surgery tour than the chick who has seen THREE WHOLE surgeries in her lifetime? Besides, I’ve watched more than 100 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, which helps me fill in the blanks.

I just enjoyed watching our story on the 6:00 news, and now I sit here on baby watch, as my best friend Tiff waits patiently for her little superstar to arrive.

It’s a good thing I had a gallon of Starbucks this morning.

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