Some laughs

I’ve had a really long week. Everything about it has been good, but it has been mentally exhausting. I worked until 7:00 for my second night in a row, a third night I had school until 9:00. I’m just plum worn out. Which means it’s time for a good laugh.

I discovered a blog today that may be the best one out there. This site has thousands of awful pictures from real estate listings. Scrolling through this site made me absolutely giddy. Give it a try!

And here’s a video I think you’ll like. When you watch it, please imagine my favorite coworker and I walking around saying “I will CUT you!” in our best King Burger accent.

One last thing. I saw this suspicious guy loitering across the street from my house this morning. He stood out there for almost 10 minutes, looking around, probably staking out the neighborhood, waiting for all of us to go to work so he could break in and steal everything. I was two seconds away from calling the police so they could get this bad guy off my streets…

When the school bus pulled up. And he got on.

Oops. Didn’t realize we had a bus stop there!

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