Sigh of relief

Dinner at sunset

This past weekend my in-laws hosted 70 people for a family reunion at their home for three days… four meals… and lot’s and lot’s of fun memories. I think it takes a little bit of insanity and a huge dose of hospitality to be willing to have that many people at your home for that long. They did a fabulous job. And we introduced a bunch of Oklahomans to the greatness that is Babe’s Chicken.

Visiting the horses and cows with my niece

I sported what I like to call the Texas Summer Layered Look – a layer of sunscreen, then a layer of bug spray, then a layer of sweat, then a layer of dirt. North Texas enjoyed its first weekend of 100-degree temperatures and I survived by the grace of God and the gift of wick-away fabrics.
A prize-winning bull enjoying a temporary stay at my in-laws’ place

And now that it’s over, I’m enjoying a much-needed day off from work (hooray for vacation time). Mr. Right has generously suggested that I go get a massage, and then I’m going to spend the rest of the day holed up in our home doing absolutely nothing. Okay, so I may do a little bit of sewing, but nothing that requires any thinking.

In other news, my good-looking man made a brief cameo on our favorite photographer’s blog last week – if you look closely, you can see me too… or my hands.

Which reminds me… I need to print our wedding pictures. After all, it has been 18 months. I’m adding that to the top of my to-do list… as soon as I get back to doing responsible things… which won’t be today.

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