Sigh of relief

Thanks to my prayer warrior friends and family for so faithfully praying for us. We had our 11-week appointment tonight (my first after this latest round of complications hit) and we got WONDERFUL news. The problems I was having, which were so frightening, are virtually undetectable now on the ultrasound. Problem fixed. My doctor said I can slowly resume normal activities, praise the Lord. God is good.

This is me breathing a huge sigh of relief. I may or may not have cried with happiness at dinner. And when I got home. But whatever, I get a pass this time.

And, we found out that we’ll get to know our baby’s gender by the end of January. I’m convinced it’s a girl. Mr. Right’s convinced it’s a boy. I’m thinking we may need to make a friendly wager.


  1. […] spike was a one-time thing, and we had a healthy baby girl just a week later. That was just one of SO MANY MIRACLES we experienced during that very difficult […]


  2. […] He was so happy! We ended up telling our families that night, because we were SO excited. And also because we knew that we were already at a very high risk for miscarriage and needed our prayer warriors. I had some complications during the first trimester of my first pregnancy and at one point, my doctor told me that the odds were stacked against Wrenn, but through a miracle from God, Wrenn beat those odds. […]


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