San Diego

Just got home from my last trip of the year. After adventures in Miami, Colorado, California, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Croatia, I think I’m ready to hole up in my house for a little while and cocoon. I’m only a month away from being done with school, and between now and then all I want to do is hide and nest and eat cereal.

But San Diego was plenty beautiful. I’ll upload pics soon (have you noticed I often promise pics and rarely post? It’s because I know all of you probably see them on Facebook, and it takes too long to upload them twice). But I’ll do my best to upload them. Really. Probably. While I was in San Diego I walked along the beach in front of the famous Hotel del Coronado, I ate the most splendid Spanish food at a spot in the Gas Lamp District, and I enjoyed seeing several hundred marines at my hotel one evening for a marine ball. Many had come alone, it was just a darn shame that I hadn’t packed my cocktail dress in that humongous suitcase of mine. Sigh… maybe next time.
I also got to speak at the national PRSA Conference. That was a bit of a career highlight for me–2,000 public relations gurus at my industry’s largest conference of the year, and somehow I ended up getting a bio in the event guide! I only spoke at a break-out session, nothing huge, but still it was one of those neat resume-building experiences that I’ll probably never do again. All in all, it was a pretty nice trip indeed.
Back to the cocoon… I will see you in mid-December.

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