
It’s January 1, which means it’s time for my new year’s resolutions. Here are my resolutions from last year:

1. Get organized
2. Keep plugging away at school
3. Try not to overcommit my schedule
4. Have a plan for studying my Bible
5. Work out a little more
(and here’s a bonus feature… my goals for 2006…)
This year, I’m only doing two:
1. Run
2. Rest
It’s really all I want to focus on right now. I’m pretty decent at the other stuff… I admit to having a lot of areas that need improving, but being self-motivated has never been a problem. 
So for 2009, I want to rest… to pace myself, not overcommit my schedule, and take some time for me to just be me, and to enjoy life at a slightly slower pace. This is a big challenge for the girl who LOVES to do everything. I just get too darn excited–I love to do things, go places, be with people, take up new hobbies, conquer new challenges, buy stacks of books, and constantly reinvent myself… and I never seem to leave room to sleep and hang out around my house doing nothing. So I want to do just a little more resting  this year… but not so much that I become a hermit. Or boring. Yes, “become a hermit” is not on my to-do list. I just want to rest.
And I want to run. Maybe another half marathon, maybe not. I just want to run. To not stop what I worked so hard for in 2008, to enjoy the benefits (like eating whatever I want), to enjoy being outside, and to work off the stress that tends to build up in my soul during my crazy week. I want to run, and I want to enjoy it.
Everything else that happens will just be a nice bonus.
I’m off to go rest. See, these resolutions are working already.

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