
I’m a sucker for things with sayings on them. I love pictures with fun quotes. Books of quotes. Googling quotes. Memorizing quotes.

I have an ongoing love affair with the written word.

So of course, when I was out yesterday shopping for a gift, I couldn’t resist buying a few of those magnets with the sayings on them. These were cute (which is so important–nothing ugly is allowed to set foot near my refridgerator!). And colorful. I bought two.

The first says:
Dare to be remarkable.

And the second:
Do one thing every day that scares you. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

I love these! I want to live a remarkable life, and I can’t achieve that by sitting back and doing things that are comfortable. Some of the things that scare me the most have brought me the most happiness. I was terrified to take the hospital job, which I now love so much. I was (and still am) terrified of speaking in front of groups, which is one of the reasons why I try to take every opportunity to speak in public. I’m terrified of heights, which is why I have gone rock climbing and done the high ropes courses. I’m scared of flying, which is why I travel as much as possible (plus I love exploring new places). School scares me a little, because I’m always afraid I might not be able to cut it. Which is why I continue on.

So I dare YOU to be remarkable. Come join me. It’s a fun process!

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