
It’s amazing how just a few minutes of stress can totally wreck you.
Yesterday, while at breakfast with some friends, we got a call that Mr. Right’s dad had been hurt in a horse accident, had hit his head and been knocked unconscious. For just a few minutes we couldn’t get any important details… was he conscious? Was he moving? How bad was it? As we drove to the hospital and waited for more information, we did all we knew to do… we prayed.
After a half day in the downtown trauma ER, we got the very good news that other than some bumps and bruises, he was going to be fine. We are praising Jesus and thanking him for protecting my father-in-law from what could have been a very bad situation.
We left the hospital tired, but went on with our lives and had a very full day. It didn’t really hit us until today… our nerves were frazzled. Exhausted. In need of some rest and some quiet. But a nap, a movie, a quiet dinner, and a molten chocolate cake later, and we feel recharged and ready to go. And we continue to thank God for protecting our family and give him all the credit and glory for performing a total miracle.
We are blessed.

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing, you have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord, my God, I will give you thanks forever.”
Psalm 30:11-12 NLT

One Comment

  1. so happy for you that everything turned out fine… answered prayers, indeed! but i bet you were quite stressed!


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