
What a week it has been…

Last week started off with a midnight trip to the Emergency Room. I’ve been struggling with some major asthma issues over the past two weeks, and it really got ugly late Sunday night. I got to the point where I could barely breathe and finally drove myself to the ER. By the time I arrived, I was in pretty bad shape (imagine trying to breathe through a stir straw), but after lot’s of drugs and some heavy duty breathing treatments, I was better. Not great, but better. 
Luckily I work at the best hospital in the Metroplex, and they took good care of me. I can happily say that I’m not only the spokesperson, I’m now also a patient (it worked for that Hairclub for Men guy). I’m just hoping to not be a patient again anytime soon, although this asthma stuff still isn’t under control. I’m working with my doctor on it… feel free to send a few prayers my way!
So that was Sunday night. Monday night I had 20 people at my house for dinner and a church meeting. You know me… I don’t do anything half way. Luckily I have some wonderful guy friends (thanks Joel) who came over early and set up everything so I didn’t have to do any heavy lifting in my sorry state. I had already baked pies the night before, and we just ordered pizza, so it was a relatively easy party… at least as far as dinner for 20 goes.
Then Tuesday, I found out my big summer school paper was due on Friday (note to self: always double check the deadline). I thought I had another week. My 50 page paper was only a 10 page paper on Monday morning, but by Thursday night at 11:55, that sucker was written and edited and emailed to my professor. Let’s just say that I didn’t eat or sleep very much between Tuesday and Thursday. That’s a lot of writing.
Then Friday I celebrated the end of my paper with a road trip to float the Comal River in New Braunfels. It was such a nice trip–18 of us stayed in two rather posh condos and floated the river for two days. We also managed a little outlet mall shopping (yes!), some two-steppin’ at Gruene Hall, and dinner on the patio at the Gristmill. It was such a nice, mellow weekend and it gave me the chance to get to know a few folks better, as well as travel with some of my very favorite friends. I had a really great time, and I got to wear my cowgirl boots.

And now I’m back, unpacked (not really, my bags are still on my bedroom floor, but I just step over them), and life is back to normal, whatever that is. This really has been my favorite summer in my history of summers, and as I look toward the fall and some upcoming fun trips (San Diego and Estes Park, Colorado!) I must say that I can’t wait.

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