
There’s a simple explanation for the dire lack of blogging activity over the past week… I am so consumed by work and school at the moment that I don’t have a single brain cell left to think of something interesting (or uninteresting, for that matter) to write about. 

Now don’t go feeling too sorry for me. Yes, I just pulled a 14-hour day today, and a 12-hour day yesterday, and several 12-hour days last week. In fact, if you add up the hours I will be either working or in school over the next six days, it adds up to around 75. Including Friday night and 14 hours on Saturday. Gulp. 
But in between school district advisory board meetings, organizing galas and putting on marathons, I’ve managed to fit in a few hot tub nights, a drive-in movie, neighborhood dinner parties, a little Bachelor watching with girlfriends, and a huge blow-out party at my sister’s new house. I may feel like I’ve been run over by a freight train (that’s what a full week without a decent night’s sleep will do for you), but as I drove home tonight at 9:00 after a long day of work, singing at the top of my lungs to Taylor Swift’s Love Story, I was quite happy.

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