Project 115 – Week 2

It’s the beginning of Week 2 and we’re still going strong on Operation 115 (or, as my husband likes to call it, Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightening). I worked a full day on the house on Saturday (and finished! hallelujah!), and I’m hoping that all the cleaning I did burned some calories. Surely.

Today Mr. Right and I forced each other to get up for the official kick-off of Week 2 workouts. This morning I did 45 minutes of P90X yoga, and then 250 crunches. Note to self – next time pull out the yoga mat… my Pottery Barn rug wasn’t made for the reverse runner’s pose.
I’m taking Tuesday morning off because I’m playing in an early morning golf tournament, but I figure six hours of golf should count for the daily workout. Wednesday I have a very early morning meeting, so I’m taking that as an off-day. I promise you, my faithful blog buddies, that I’ll be back up at the hiney-crack-of-dawn on Thursday and Friday for a leg workout and then more cardio. You have my promise.
As for the weigh-in… I’m a little scared to get on the scale, but I’ll get the nerve up sometime this week.
1. I hope I get used to waking up at 5:30 a.m., because I am so exhausted by the time evening comes. Friday night I had a big date with Mr. Right, and I ended up zonked out 9:30. They say you get used to it.
2. I already feel better about myself – the guilt of not working out is almost as bad as the 15 new pounds sitting on my rear. I already feel stronger and feel like I’m carrying myself with more confidence. #WIN!
3. I’m drinking a ton of water, but to make it more interesting I squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into it. It makes it a lot more fun, if you can ever describe water as fun.
4. If anybody could see me working out, including my husband, I’d be mortified. P90X doesn’t have the most flattering moves. Just try looking cool doing a “crazy jumping jack” or “steam engine.” Yeah, not possible. But worth it.

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