No Fear & a Free Printable

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In 2014 I am praying God’s promises over my life. Won’t you join me?

I am a pro at worrying. And you know what? It robs me of my joy. I remember doing a Beth Moore Bible study on Esther many years back, and one of the things she talked about was the great risk that Esther took to visit the King, uninvited. She was scared, but she told her uncle Mordecai, “If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16)

Beth Moore led us in an exercise where we talked about our fears. What was one thing we were afraid of? If that happened, what were the implications? What’s the worst-case scenario? And if that worst-case scenario happened… would God be enough to get me through that situation?

The simple answer is yes. The hard part is living as if that were true. But oh what a life we would all lead if that were indeed the way we felt, deep in our gut. That God would be enough to see us through our darkest days, our biggest fears, our worst crises.

What if, instead of letting fear consume me, I remembered the promise that God has given me the ability to be POWERFUL, LOVING, and SELF-CONTROLLED. I want nothing more than for my baby girl to grow up being strong… may she see a strong, loving, self-controlled mama living as an example to her.

Join me in praying this promise over our lives. Because God keeps his promises.

“Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Joshua 21:45

As a gift to you, my dear friends, I’m offering this as a free download. I’d love it if you would share it with your friends on Pinterest, Facebook, etc. Print as many copies as you’d like, but please do not email or sell.


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