One of my favorite things to do is travel. My family did a lot of traveling when I was younger, and once I got out of school, I made it my personal goal to travel as much as possible while I’m not tied down with a family of my own. Since I graduated from Baylor, I’ve been to L.A., San Diego, Colorado (several times), Florida, Boston, Washington DC (twice), Nashville, Mexico, England, France (twice) and Italy. Not bad for less than five years!
I’m always looking for my next trip. Since I’m saving most of my money for school (and trying to make upgrades on my house), this year we’re planning a short, less-expensive but still fabulous trip… to New York! This is the last season for the Yankees to play at the old stadium, and I’ve never sat my hiney in one of those famous seats. I’ve driven by and taken pictures, but since I’ve only been to New York in Dececmber and March, I’ve never seen Derek Jeter in his home jersey. I’ve never tasted New York cracker jacks. Or run from a mugger in the Bronx (oops).
But this summer, we’re doing it! New York or bust!
Even better, I was telling a friend of mine, who happens to work for NBC, about my trip. He said that he may be able to get us tickets to watch Conan or another show tape LIVE! How exciting! It’s not a done deal just yet, but we should know for sure in the next few weeks. This little trip is turning into something fun!