New Moon

I’m such a bad blogger. I have just been so busy playing this summer and enjoying a little freedom from school and obligations that I haven’t had time to sit down and put anything down on paper. I’ll assure you that things are very, very good right now, and I continue to enjoy some real blessings from unexpected places. I’m very thankful these days. 

Since it’s been awhile, here’s a classic “Bethe Moment” from last week to hold you over. I took a quick business trip down to Austin last Thursday to go to a conference. On my way down I spotted an outlet mall in Round Rock with my VERY FAVORITE STORE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD… White House/Black Market. I could wear their clothes every day and be perfectly content to live in a colorless world of black and white. 
I made it a top priority to stop there on my way back from the conference. I found endless bargains (everything 70% off, praise the Lord!) and then spotted my SECOND FAVORITE STORE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD… Banana Republic. God was smiling down on me that day at the outlet mall Round Rock, Texas!
I was so excited and distracted by this fantastic find that I must not have paid much attention as I put my clothes back on in the dressing room. I took my bags and the pretty green shirt I wanted to buy and made my way through the very crowded store to the front counter. But on the way, some sparkly (discounted!) jewelry caught my eye, so I spent several minutes leaning over the endless options laid out on a low table, trying on necklaces and comparing dangly earrings. I spotted more necklaces on another table, and again leaned over and marveled over all the glorious wonders to be had at BR that day.
But I was good and talked myself out of buying more jewelry (confession: I had already bought fantastically cheap jewelry next door, so I had plenty) so I finally made my way to the check-out line. Several minutes later, a nice woman came and stood in line behind me.
And then I got a tap on the shoulder, and this nice lady told me…
“Honey, your skirt is unzipped.”
Eeek! I reached behind to feel the zipper. Not only was it unzipped, but it was gaping open, leaving my beautiful underwear visible for all the world to see. Eeek! I quickly made a mental note of all the times I bent over to look at the beautiful jewelry, with all the folks standing behind me. Yep… there was a full moon that night in Round Rock, and the moon was me!
Which is why I can never go back. Or if I do, it will definitely have to be in a disguise.

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