My Summer Bucket List – 2013

This year I had a big internal debate over whether or not to tackle a Summer Bucket List. I started doing it in 2011, and then last year Mr. Right and I brainstormed for weeks to come up with our 2012 list. (for a full list of our blog adventures on this topic, go here) It has been our way to make sure we continue to have fun as a couple and not get stuck in a rut of doing the same old thing every night.

The List has become our thing, and I hated to give it up for 2013, but this year our summer is split in half by one giant event – HAVING A BABY. Which has made it hard to plan much of anything else – I didn’t want to over-plan/over-commit while we were waiting, instead I just wanted to enjoy being spontaneous and keep our schedules open and relaxed. Not to mention that the first half of the summer I’ve been 8-9 months pregnant and not feeling especially mobile.

And, well, the second half of the summer is a complete unknown to me – I expect those first few weeks after Wrenn arrives to be a bit of a blur. Since I’m a rule follower, I just knew that if I made a list and then didn’t accomplish most of the items on it, I’d feel like a failure. And I don’t need that pressure right now – so there is only one thing on my List this year:

summer bucket list

If I were to make a list, it would mostly include things like swimming, eating sno cones (and frozen yogurt, and gelato, and ice cream, and Sonic drinks… you get the picture), and later this summer, I hope to take Wrenn to the new Bush Presidential Library and the Perot Museum in Dallas.

But what about you? Have any of my blog friends created a fun list of ideas? It’s not too late – you’ve got plenty of time to brainstorm some fun activities for July and August. I’d love to hear what you come up with – let me live vicariously through you!

And just in case you need some ideas, I created a Pinterest board of summer activities in Dallas/Fort Worth for my work blog – the board includes a free printable I designed. Feel free to use it for your own family!


  1. I loved reading your summer bucket lists the last two years and making my own. This year I have taken a page out of your book and done a more minimalist approach as well by just putting 3 definites: 1. Get married. 2. Honeymoon! 3. Learn to sew (I got a sewing machine for Christmas and it’s still in the box). Other things I’m hoping to do are go swimming, see movies and fireworks, hang out with friends, turn my shabby shed into a shabby chic retreat, and organize around the house.


    1. Sounds like a great list Nyree! Once you have someone show you the basics of the machine, go to YouTube–they have fabulous tutorials.


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