My latest quilting obsession

You may have noticed a pattern (no pun intended), but I am sort of in love with triangle quilts. It started with an obsession with chevron and then expanded to a desire to try every possible combination, partly because (a) I’m getting really fast at cutting those triangles and (b) they really are some of the cutest ones out there.

Here’s a few examples of gorgeous triangle quilts from the web. Click on the picture to view the original source.

And a couple that I’ve made. I could never narrow down a favorite.

And someday soon I promise I’ll try a new method. Maybe, if I’m in the mood. Oh who are we kidding, I’ve probably got a dozen more of these in me.

Stay tuned to tomorrow’s post for some:

For quilts, pillows and lovely prints, visit my Texas Lovely shop on etsy!

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