It’s time for a change

closing shop

After many months of consideration, I have decided to close down my Etsy shop. Here’s why:

  • This shop was started in a different season of life. Fast forward a few years, and I have a daughter, a husband, a full-time job, and other places I want to focus my time/energy. I want to make sure my “main things” really stay the main thing. I want to leave margin in my schedule for my family and my people.
  • I want to give instead of sell. I will continue to create, to write and blog and quilt and make things. However, I don’t want to make things I think people will want to buy, instead, I want to make things that make me happy. And make things for loved ones and people I want to bless.
  • I don’t want to spend my energy on the back-end stuff anymore (aka – taxes, shipping, fees, etc.).

God used this shop to bless my family in some incredible ways. This shop helped open the door to my current job. It introduced me to new friends. It helped to support my family as Mr. Right launched a new business. It gave us freedom. It has taught me so much about myself.

It was part of God’s plan for my life, a journey I have loved. A journey that may come back around again, someday. But at this point, my journey looks a little different. To all my friends who have also been customers… thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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