Happy birthday to me. How do we celebrate birthdays around here?
With cake balls from the same
lady who made our wedding cake. You haven’t lived until you’ve had
Colleen’s strawberry cake balls dipped in white chocolate. Oh my word.
We bought two dozen, so it will be my birthday for a very long time. Don’t worry, I’m choosing to share with Mr. Right and with various family members who ask nicely.
I also celebrated with a special birthday breakfast cooked by my chef husband. A bagel, egg, and bacon with homemade plum preserves. It was amazing.
Speaking of food, I also celebrated with a birthday lunch with a few of my closest girlfriends… and a pedicure. Because nothing says happy 31st birthday to me like pretty toenails and a foot massage. And a strawberry cake (do you see a pattern here?).
I had a birthday dinner with my side of the family… and more food. My mama is an amazing cook… and then we ate more cake balls.
Tomorrow night I’m having Mr. Right’s side of the family over for a joint birthday dinner (my father-in-law has a birthday two days after mine) and Mr Right is making homemade chicken fried steak. I’m sure it’s the low-fat version.
And then I get two Thanksgivings. And I heard a rumor we may go to Joe T. Garcia’s sometime this weekend.
Someone sign me up for a 10K before I double in size! Hurry!
I bet you’re wondering what Mr. Right got me for my birthday. He’s going to turn this…
That’s right, he’s framing our master bathroom mirror. Ours will look a lot like this, but he painted it black. It’s currently lying on the garage floor, ready to be installed. I just love being married to man who knows how to turn my wild hairs into reality.
Speaking of wild hairs… on a whim I decided to sew ruffles for my Christmas tree. It’s the absolute best sewing project ever because (1) you don’t have to iron your fabric, (2) you don’t have to cut a straight line, and (3) you don’t have to sew a straight line. It’s like magic, I tell you.
Since this is Thankfulness month on my little blog, and since I’m three days behind (but it’s my birthday… so I get a pass, right?), I thought I’d just list a few more things I’m thankful for, which can count for #20, 21 and 22:
I am thankful for strawberry birthday cake and girlfriends who love pedicures as much as me and family who calls and sings happy birthday and coffee being brought to me in bed and birthday breakfasts and getting birthday cards in the mail.
Do you want to know how YOU can absolutely make my day on my birthday? Leave me a comment on my blog– it would make me feel all sparkly and distract me from thinking about how I’m now 31. I know you’re out there – somehow I watched my visits quadruple this month. I’m sure 80% of those readers are related to me (hi mom, Mr. Right, and to my mother-in-law), but that still leaves a few friends and strangers out there reading, and it would just make my birthday if you would say hello. Won’t you?
Speaking of 31, I’ll leave you with a list of other famous people who are 31. It’s kind of an awesome-not-at-all-old-at-least-that’s-what-I-will-remind-myself club.
Venus Williams |
Ben Savage – Boy Meets World |
Michelle Williams
The oldest Hanson |
Kristen Bell |
Channing Tatum
I guess this means I’m joining the cool kids club. I hope that oldest Hanson saved me a seat.
Hi Bethe – I'm a big fan of your blog and read it weekly. If not more! I guess that makes me a stalker, but the non creepy kind. Right? Your posts encourage me and make me laugh. So please keep writing! Oh, and happy birthday! From one blog stalker to another 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are such a wonderful friend to me! Love you!Your BFF.
Ashleigh – I didn't realize you have a blog! Yea! I'll add it to my GoogleReader. And Katie – love you too!